Bethel Baptist Church


Pastors of Bethel Baptist Church
(Dates are approximate):
Bro. M.W. Matthews 1925-
Bro. J.A. Davis
Bro. J.E. Moore
Bro. L.A. Varnado
Bro. Ray Hampton
Bro. Milton Crosby
Bro. Walter Hickman
Bro. Preston Cochran -1957
Bro. Vern Crawley 1957-1958
Bro. Harvey Smith 1959-1959
Bro. Ernest Breland 1959-1960
Bro. Harold Holifield 1960-1962
Bro. Amos Strickland 1962-1964
Bro. A.J. Leslie 1964-1965
Bro. Hilton Entrekin 1966-1967
Bro. Walter Hickman 1967-1967
Bro. J.B. Stonecypher 1968-1969
Bro. Billy Huffmaster 1968-1969
Bro. Don Davis 1975-1976
Bro. Bob Steele 1976-1981
Bro. B.C. Kelly 1982-1987
Bro. Donnie Sims 1987-1988
Bro. Collins Jones 1989-1990
Bro. James O’Hara 1991-1992
Bro. Eddie Lambert 1992-1993
Bro. Gerald Givens 1993-1995
Bro. Dean Ide 1996-1997
Bro. Noel Mann 1997-2004
Bro. John Read 2005 – 3 months
Bro. Bryan Williamson – May 2006 – September 2007
Bro. Freddie Wegner – March 2008 – present

In the year 1925, about May, Eld. J.C. King came to Wiggins with Eld. M.W. Mathews, to hold a series of services with Eld. King doing the preaching and Eld. Mathews doing the singing. After this series of services, on June 2, 1925, some of the participants in this meeting came together with church letters asking to be organized into a Missionary Baptist Church. Eld, J.C. King, Eld. M.W. Matthews, and Eld. M. Walters, with other preachers and deacons, sat as a presbytery and organized this church, to be called Bethel, which means “the house of God”.
Beginning in August of 1997 attendance began growing at Bethel. Many improvements were made to the existing facilities including paving the parking lot, installing vinyl trim, replacing the slate roof that had been there since about 1952 with a shingle roof, enlarging the fellowship hall by removing the nursery partition, adding Sunday school rooms in the education annex, constructing a choir loft, installation of addition lighting in the auditorium, initiating a choir and laying ceramic tile everywhere except in the auditorium. Although not dramatic, growth was steady, eventually reaching Sunday school attendance in the 40’s and preaching attendance in the 60’s. In 1999 and 2000 the attendance had reached the point that plans began to be made for construction of a larger fellowship hall to accommodate the numbers. Then, plans were discussed to go to two services to accommodate the preaching crowd, now numbering above 100.
With little or no room for expansion at the present location, property was purchased on Hwy 26 about 1 mile east of the city limits of Wiggins. In June of 2001 the slab was poured for the new facility and members of Bethel spent the next year constructing the new facility. A large group of the Master’s Builder’s spent the better part of 3 weeks during the summer helping to set the trusses and install sheet rock on the walls of the fellowship hall. Finally, the building was completed and the congregation moved into the new building and vacating the old one that had been the home of Bethel for so many years. The Lord blessed us in sending a group of Southern Baptist that were in need of a meeting place to occupy the old facility that continues in use to this day.
There was no comparison in the beauty of the new building with the old one. Everything was upgraded to modern conveniences and architecture. The yearlong construction process took place with very little dissension and good harmony was maintained throughout the construction. We are looking forward to many years of enjoyment in the new facility and the room for growth that the eleven acres will afford. If there is any sadness associated with the relocation it would be over the fact that so many of the old, faithful members of Bethel did not live long enough to see the new facility. But we are certain that they are rejoicing in heaven for what the Lord has allowed to be accomplished here on earth. Our prayer is that Bethel Baptist Church will continue to serve the Lord in Wiggins and Stone County for many years to come, or until the return of Jesus, whichever comes first.
3083 Highway 26 East
Wiggins, MS 39577
PO Box 1001 – Wiggins